The Seven Deadly Sins is an anime with varying tones and themes that keep the show interesting to watch. These themes may be dark, sad, and sometimes mysterious, but one that seems to stand out is comedy. Despite the anime's tendency to be bloody and overly serious, it can be really funny when it needs to be.

This helps dial down the gravity of many situations and reminds viewers to not take what they see too seriously. That said, the first season has it's fair share of funny moments that bring life and humor into what could otherwise be a truly dark show.

10 Meliodas' Fight With Ban Was A Back-And-Forth Brawl

Seven Deadly Sins_Meliodas smiling at his victory

During the tournament at the Vizel festival, the time came for Meliodas to face off against his best pal, Ban. When the fight began, the two went all out against each other, displaying their incredible physical prowess. They seemed evenly matched until Ban began using magic. He kept stealing Meliodas' strength and adding it to his own as he pummeled away at Meliodas. In a hilarious turn of events, when Ban landed what he thought would be the final blow, the dust cleared and revealed only Meliodas standing in the ring while Ban had been blown to the mountainside.

9 Ban Didn't Recognize King After They Met For The First Time In Ten Years

Ban yelling at Meliodas while pointing at King

After the Sins were broken up with many members in hiding, Meliodas and Elizabeth joined up with Ban. During their journey to the Necropolis, Ban was attacked by a "kid" who was furious that Ban supposedly destroyed The Fairy King's Forest. Their fight was interrupted by Meliodas and Diane who quickly recognized the boy to be King, much to Ban's amazement. Ban was shocked because he knew King to be a big man and not some puny looking kid. His expression at this moment was simply priceless.

8 Diane Scolding Meliodas For Cheating On Her Was Always Funny To Watch

Seven Deadly Sins_Diane pounding on the ground with her fists

The series introduced Diane as someone deeply in love with Meliodas. When she saw Meliodas with another woman, like Elizabeth, she freaked out and began pounding Meliodas with her enormous fists. Meliodas felt the brunt of Diane's fury any time she thought Meliodas was seeing other women, and each time it was hilarious to watch. Fans could easily see why she was the Serpent's Sin of Envy with the way she behaved when Meliodas was around other women.

7 Meliodas' Cooking Was Terrible Enough To Make Grown Men Cry

Seven Deadly Sins_Meliodas' cooking

Meliodas was known to cook food that looked and smelled so delicious that any unsuspecting person would be unaware it was a death trap. Meliodas' tavern was so infamous because despite its looks, the food tasted awful. It had a reputation throughout all of The Seven Deadly Sins, so its awfulness isn't restricted to just the first season.

Merlin said that she hadn't cried once in seven hundred years, but the last time she did was when she tasted Meliodas' cooking. Even the mighty Escanor was brought down at a single bite of Meliodas' "professionally made" apple pie.

6 The Demolition Of Baste Prison At The Hands Of Meliodas And Ban Showed Their Strength In A Funny Way

Seven Deadly Sins_Meliodas and Ban in Baste prison

After the fighting to infiltrate Baste prison, Ban confronted Meliodas, both men with a serious look on their faces. They suddenly screamed at each other in excitement and began beating each other up. They then engaged in an arm-wrestling match as they recounted their victories against each other. As they released their power, they demolished the gigantic prison which was covered in an enchantment meant to lock them inside forever. This forced the holy knight Golgius to strategically withdraw - or simply put, run away.

Seven Deadly Sins_Ban trapped by vines

Ban set out to find the fountain of youth and drink from it to obtain immortality. When he got to the Fairy King's Forest, he scaled his way up the great tree and found Elaine guarding the water. Elaine used a powerful gust of wind to blow him off the top of the tree, but Ban just kept coming back, much to Elaine's surprise. While she was still talking, Ban used his magical nunchucks to snatch the water from behind Elaine, but he was trapped by vines and stopped yet again.

4 King Scolding Ban For Stealing Teddies From Kids Showed His Soft Side

Seven Deadly Sins_King Crying

During their search for King, Elizabeth questioned Meliodas as to the kind of person they were looking for. In a flashback, Meliodas told Elizabeth about how, one time, Ban stole a lot of teddy bears from kids and King cried over and over about it.

King yelled at Ban from the bottom of his heart and rebuked him for his ungodly act. While Ban slept, King took back the stolen teddies and returned them to their owners. King was shown to be so proud of himself for the divine act he'd carried out.

3 When Diane, Meliodas & Ban Confessed That Their Sacred Treasures Were Lost, Sold & Stolen

Seven Deadly Sins_Ban, Meliodas and Diane

After defeating a holy knight at the Necropolis, King insisted that his friends confess what happened to their Sacred Treasures. With nonchalant expressions on their faces, they admitted what had become of their weapons. Diane's was lost, Meliodas sold his to get funds for his tavern, and Ban's got stolen. Ban's case is particularly curious as he is a thief himself - and a rather skilled one at that - so  it's a wonder exactly how such a thing was possible. The likeliest possibility is that he was drunk.

2 Meliodas Thinking King's Change Of Form Was Simply A Change Of Clothes

King's Human Form from Seven Deadly Sins

Ban was still at a loss as to how King, whom he knew to be a grown man on the bulky side, turned out to be a scrawny-looking kid. When King found out that Elizabeth was a princess, he nervously changed back to what Ban knew him to be. Meliodas, on the other hand, simply thought that King was switching his clothes and didn't put further thought into the matter. This pissed Ban off as he yelled that Meliodas should take a closer look.

1 King's Inability To Handle A Physical Fight Was Disappointing In A Funny Way

Seven Deadly Sins_King punching and missing Bazart

During the Vizel fighting festival, King was set up to face an old man known as Bazart the Flame. Meliodas assured Diane that the match would be a spectacle to behold since only he had seen King fight before. Meliodas built up the fight in the most hilarious way as King took his stance and charged at his opponent. He ran with all seriousness, only to trip on a stone and fall to the ground. Their fight was funny because each move King made revealed the fact that he wasn't cut out for a physical fight. King is utterly helpless without his Sacred Treasure.

NEXT: Seven Deadly Sins: 10 Things That Make Zero Sense About Ban