Beef Hay for Sale in Montcalm County

Making Quality Hay

Coastal Bermuda Hay

At Terrace Ridge Farm, we strive to produce the highest quality Bermuda grass hay  possible.  We intensively manage our soil's nutrients and overall fertility.  The most important nutrients for hay production are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K).  These nutrients must be maintained at optimum levels to obtain both high yields and high quality.

High Protein Hay Through Pasture Management

To produce the highest quality and highest yields, we  test our soil and our hay every year to determine the proper amount of fertilizer to apply.  Soil tests evaluate nutrient concentrations in the soil profile; these are used to implement the most effective fertilizer regimen.  Hay tests, also known as forage mineral analyses, report the amount of energy, protein, and minerals in our hay.  These tests are used to evaluate hay quality and tweak the fertilization plan established by the soil test.

We manage our hay for high protein and animal performance because protein is directly related to nitrogen content.  We fertilize with large amounts of nitrogen, at least 85 pounds of actual nitrogen per acre per cutting, to facilitate fast, palatable growth and high crude protein levels.  As a result of this intense management, our hay usually tests at 10% protein or greater, well above the 9% protein that most horses require.  Phosphorus is also a critical nutrient for Bermuda grass production, but it does not possess the leaching potential of nitrogen and potassium.

Since potassium affects nitrogen efficiency, drought tolerance, and stand density, we give special attention to soil potassium levels to promote high quality hay.  When potassium levels are optimal, bermudagrass can grow aggressively and choke out many weeds, often allowing for weed-free hay without herbicides.  However, in the sandy soils that are prevalent in the Sandhills, it is difficult to maintain high soil potassium levels because heavy rainfall events leach this nutrient past the root zone.  Therefore, we utilize split applications of potassium and apply equal amounts of potassium and nitrogen to minimize leaching while ensuring that adequate potassium levels are maintained in the soil profile.

Year Round Management: Winter Care

In January, we spray our fields for winter weeds and in late February, we burn the old growth off our hayfields.  This provides a quick release of nutrients, kills winter weeds, and stimulates green up.  By removing old growth, the first cutting is clean of last year's brown, dead hay.  By late March, our fields green up and are prepared for growth.

Make Hay While the Sun Shines!

Clear blue skies and bright sunshine are best for making great hay!  After the hay dries for a few days, it is ready for raking.  We rake our hay in windrows so the baler can easily pick up the hay.  Care must be taken to rake the hay when it is not too wet and before it is too dry.  Raking wet hay will result in mold, and raking hay that is too dry will cause leaf shatter - leaves break off the stems, resulting in lower quality and yield.  Raking is more art than science.  The windrows can't be too large or too small because either will produce inconsistent size bales.

Like raking, baling must occur while the hay is at the proper moisture level.  Ideally, hay moisture should be between 12% and 18% to minimize leaf loss and eliminate the threat of mold.  Baling is usually hot and slow work.  We can drop bales in the field for you to pick up, we can load them on wagons and put in our weather proof barns for winter pick up or we can deliver them straight to your barn!

First Cuttings: Good Palatibility and Digestibility

First cuttings usually occur in late May or early June when the bermudagrass is approximately 20 inches tall.  In addition to our fertilization practices and burning the old growth off our hayfields, we optimize quality by cutting our hay while it is at the proper stage of maturity.  By cutting our hay while it is still vegetative, we obtain high palatability and digestibility.  The acid detergent fiber, ADF, in our hay is consistently between 22% and 32%, which indicates a high level of palatability.  The neutral detergent fiber, NDF, of our hay is usually between 60% and 65%, showing that animals are able to eat large amounts of our hay.  These two values are used together to calculate relative feed value, RFV.  Although RFV is usually used to formulate rations for dairy cattle, it can also be used as a measuring stick for overall hay quality.  Hay having an RFV of 100 is equivalent to full bloom alfalfa hay - the higher the RFV, the higher the hay quality.  Terrace Ridge Farm hay typically posts an RFV of 90-105, i.e. extremely high quality.  The formula for RFV is given below.

      DDM = Digestible Dry Matter = 88.9 - (0.779 x % ADF)
DMI = Dry Matter Intake = 120 / ( % NDF )
RFV = (DDM x DMI) / 1.29

Storing the Hay

Bales dropped in the field need to be picked up before nightfall.  In order to offer the highest quality coastal bermuda hay, any hay that is not loaded out of the field is loaded onto wagons and brought to the barn, where it is stacked in the barn loft away from moisture and sunlight.  In our hay barns and lofts, we can store up to 2500 bales for winter.  During the winter, we load out hay as needed for our customers.  Most full size trucks without a tool box can hold up to 50 bales.  We have loaded small trucks, such as Chevrolet S-10's, with 25 bales.  When time permits, we can offer delivery for an additional fee.


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